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Pink Snowberries
wedding bouquet flowers pink snowberries


Okay, these pink snowberries are just so beautiful! They provide that touch of pristine nature while adding a sweet innocence along with a little vintage charm. Sigh...if only I hadn't just missed their season for my wedding.

Cabbage Roses
wedding bouquet pink roses


I am loving this lush bouquet of pink cabbage roses! And how can you go wrong when they are picked from Martha Stewart's garden in East Hampton?!

Orchid Love
orchids wedding cake


These handmade white orchids are so gorgeous cascading down this cantaloupe-colored wedding cake! So elegant and romantic!

My new daily mantra
inspirational quotes gandhi


This should be read every morning before starting the day!

Sometimes we have to let go
inspirational quote


Just go with the flow! Life can surprise you sometimes!

Life is Sweet
sweet inspirational quotes


Everything is more sweet in pink!

absolutely Fabulous inspirational quotes



Always tell the truth
calligraphy Inspirational Quote


Honesty is the best policy

Inspirational Quotes


Be optimistic!

A wise man once said...
Albert Einstein inspirational quote


Balance your life!

Note to Self...
Inspirational quotes


Never forget it!

Dreams Come True
dreams come true


I love when that happens!

Live Life
Inspirational quotes


This is so true!

Over the Rainbow...
Somewhere over the rainbow lyrics


One of my all time favorites!

Remember these?!
wedding invitation photo


wedding invitation photo Image 2


wedding invitation photo Image 3


This could easily be one of the most fun ideas for wedding invitations I have ever seen! Thanks to NY based design consultancy, Melangerie, your photos can be turned into a custom invitation or announcement! You'll need to get out your pocketbook, 100 of these charming invitations will set you back $3,450.

Lovely Libations
Vintage Armoire Bar Cabinet


I could think of a million uses for this gorgeous vintage armoire! But placed in your dining or living room to house your libations is fantastic!

This Can't Wait For Happy Hour!
Vintage Glamorous bar cart


This vintage bar makes for one glamorous happy hour! Now I must search for an old trunk to set atop a metal frame with legs so I can create my own version of this brilliant bar cart! Cocktail anyone?!

Drink Champagne and dance


Sometimes you just need to celebrate! How fun would this be as decor for a bridal shower or bachelorette party?!

Pure White Hydrangea
White Hydrangea


Pure white Hydrangea are always a timeless classic. I love how the large puffs of dainty blooms provide such great texture!

Vintage Pink Ranunculus


Ranunculus will always have a special place in my heart...I carried a large bouquet of them down the aisle at my own wedding. They just seem to have an innocent feeling to them with a vintage charm!

Peony Perfection
Pink Peony Bouquet


Peonies are one of my all-time favorites! They always remind me of the incredible Flower Markets on the streets of Paris! These sweet little balls bloom into delicate petals with a fragrance to die for!

Pale Pink Anemones
Pink Anemones Bouquet flowers


These romantic beauties look gorgeous just on their own, but I am loving them pictured here paired with white Sweet Peas!

Hello Gorgeous...
Fancy Venetian Mirror in Bedroom


There is just something about soft pink that I just adore! It's the perfect backdrop for this elaborate Venetian! Who could have a bad day when you wake up to this every morning...

Venetain in the Garden
outdoor Venetian Mirror in the garden


What a perfect way to dress up your outdoor space. This Venetian Mirror will just get more beautiful as it ages and gets that gorgeous patina!

Venetain Mirror, bathtub


Yes, please!!! This tub is calling my name! And I am loving the femininity of this mirror against the raw material of the walls, not to mention all that natural light?! I could get used to this!

Love the Details
Venetian Mirror hydrangeas


I just love all the details on this one! How perfect for a beautiful entryway, especially with that gorgeous arrangement of Hydrangeas!

Simply Beautiful...
Venetian glass mirror


I am absolutely in Love with Venetian Mirrors...The classic elegance, the wonderfully chic & feminine charm...If I were to ever become a hoarder, I think I would choose Venetian Mirrors...!

Absolutely Brilliant
Miniature caramel apples


Everyone loves the all-American Fall favorite, Caramel Apples...what we don't love is the sticky mess left on our face. Well, this is absolutely brilliant! Make miniature versions by using a melon baller!

Ruffle vintage wedding cakes


Almost too pretty to eat, these gorgeous cakes make my heart swell! I just love the rich texture of the ruffles! Elegant, adorable & sweet! Coordinate the delicious ruffle frosting with the smooth ribbon on your invitations or the delicate rouching on your dress.

Parties & Holidays
Venetian Mirrors
Friday Flowers
Words To Live By